Friday, March 2, 2012

Slow Death by Rubber Duck...Yeah Right!

Overall I have read parts of the book Slow Death by Rubber Duck, the foreword, introduction and two chapters of my choice (The first one being pollution from past to present, and the second about Mercury in our fish).

The most notable passage was the mentioning of other awful experiments/people. "This is more than a book. It's kind of a big, unprecedented, adult science fair project. In the tradition of Super Size Me and Michael Moore, we investigated by doing." The passage is showing that they're going to experiment similar to the film Super Size Me and Michael Moore's documentary "style". This passage made me dismiss the majority of this book's blather, on the grounds that both Super Size Me and Michael Moore are both false and lies. I'd go into a entire discussion on why both are disgustingly bad, but I got an english project to do.

Overall my reaction to this book if it was not made obvious before, THIS IS CRAP! ABSOLUTELY BULLOCKS! For one thing, this book barely held my attention, i had to make a game of pronouncing the acronyms as if they were words~! I could make a list of books that are more informational than this garbage...and I WILL!

  • Mein Kampf-Adolf Hitler
  • The Communist Manifesto-Karl Marx
  • Going Rogue-Sarah Palin
  • Any transcript of Rick Santorums Speeches-Rick Santorum
  • The Bible-Various Authors
  • The Q'uran-Muhammed
  • The Lord of the Rings-J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Harry Potter-J.K. Rowling.

Overall I wouldn't suggest feeding this garbage to any further students. The main thing I'll remember about this book is how I shouldn't rely on hippies to give me enviromental advice.