Friday, February 17, 2012

Summary & Reaction to Chemicals

Varma, M. D. "The Hindu : Cities / Chennai : Environment Ministry to Study Impact of Mobile Tower Radiation on Birds." The Hindu : Home Page News & Features. Web. 17 Feb. 2012.
On this Indian site; I found an Indian Organization, checking to see what damage cell phone tower does to the ecosystem.  They are worried that the towers may be having a deleterious effect on avian life.
Overall I think this is another way for hippies to whine about how humans are the cause of all problems and we should stop. Well hippies you bring a valid point for being hippies, maybe if we just stop our intercontinental communication along with wireless communication around the world the birds wont have this deleterious effect, and maybe if we stop shipping goods around the world we wont have to spend all the carbon dioxide from all that fuel to get such useless materials such as food, cars, and computers.  we should stop being stupid and stop those evil corporations to stop with their filth...obviously -_-'

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