Monday, April 9, 2012

Source 10: 1d4Chan


1d4Chan is a information site similar to Wikipedia but dedicated to the traditional games board (also known as /tg/) on This site details almost all traditional games from Role Playing Games to Card Games.

I chose this source because it provides a vast menagarie of various RPGs and the mechanics that preside in them. Overall this is a good source although there is a bit of bias.

Source 9: Dice Play

Dice Play

This site explains Dice Notation, the way dice are spoken of in RPGs for example: 3d6, 1d20, 27d43.
3d6 is notation for three: six sided dice, 1d20 is one: 20 sided die and 27d43 (not actually possible with traditional dice) is 27: 43 sided dice.

I chose this because Dice notation is actually part of the probability in dice and determines the probability to reaching a certain outcome for example 1d6 meaning one: six sided die, has a flat probability as all numbers have the same probability of being rolled, however, 3d6 meaning three: six sided dice have a bell curve of reaching certain results thus making the extremes less probable than a number closer to the middle result (10.5).

Starting Capstone Subject Area: Role Playing Games

My subject area is Role Playing Games.
A Role Playing Game or RPG is a game mixed in with collaborative story-telling where players make characters and usually one player acts as a referee, this is usually known as "The Game Master" or GM.
Most players make characters in a certain setting and develop them through various interactions from diplomacy to combat.

Overall RPGs have been a part of my life for years now. And with time has developed to be a part of who I am. This project sums up a decent fraction of my personality.

Source 8: part 3

Fear in RPGs

This article explains the subtleties of implementing horror into a campaign for a role playing game group. Detailing helplessness and loss of hope.

I chose this article because it's approaching the subject area of how games are played and horror varies from system to system, from freeform horror to a mechanical horror of tables and modifiers the list goes on!

Source 7: part 2

This article explains what various settings mean in RPGs and hoew to about implementing them, overall this article is directed more at MUDS (Multi-User Domains), but the philosophy is still similar.
I chose this article because it explains what is essentially 1/2 of any Role Playing game: Setting. Setting is the entire world and it's occupants aside from the players.

Source 6: part 1

Levitate and Flying Formulas

This article details the use of mathematics to take advantage of flight and levitation in Role Playing Games. Flight has many uses especially for making maps. also battling creatures on the ground.

I chose this article is because it details mathematics in RPGS, which slowly delves into Resolution Mechanics and Probability.

Source 5: Probability with Dice

Probability with Dice

This site gives lessons and info on the probability of dice. This goes from the chance of certain numbers being rolled and what various numbers can show up at a given time.

The reason i chose this site is because it details my final focus in this project: Dice probability. Dice probbility is one of the most random things in the universe, most people can't control the outcome of dice.

Source 4: GURPS

My fourth source is GURPS which stands for General Universal Role Playing System. This Game was made in mind to play any kind of character in any kind of campaign, from horror to comedy from demons to blueberry muffins you can play and be anything.

The reason i chose this as a source is that it is a good Role Playing Game AND it has a 3 dice bell curve due to its resolution mechanic. This game is made by Steve Jackson Games that also makes Munchkins and other games.

Source 3: All Flesh Must Be Eaten

My third source is All Flesh Must Be Eaten, a survival horror role playing game with the pretense of zombies and the like. this game was made in 2000 with the Unisystem by Eden Studios

I chose this book because it is an RPG system with easy mechanics and a simple probability resolution mechanic that can be used with Dice, Cards, or even with just descriptive dialogue. Overall a personal favorite RPG of mine.

Source 2: Dungeons and Dragons 2nd Edition

The Second Source I'm using is Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition. This is a revision of the original Dungeons and Dragons rules and was made in the late 80s.

The reason I chose this book is that it shows an RPG made back in the day, and since RPGs are my subject area it only seems fitting. D&D 2e also was around until around the year 2000 when D&D 3rd Edition was released.

Source 1: Manga Guide to Statistics

My first source is The Manga Guide to Statistics. This book gives you lessons on statistics and probability with the wrapping of manga and comics.

The Reason i am using this book as a source is that it delves into probability which is the deeper part of my capstone project. Also it's in manga form so it's entertaining as well.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Slow Death by Rubber Duck...Yeah Right!

Overall I have read parts of the book Slow Death by Rubber Duck, the foreword, introduction and two chapters of my choice (The first one being pollution from past to present, and the second about Mercury in our fish).

The most notable passage was the mentioning of other awful experiments/people. "This is more than a book. It's kind of a big, unprecedented, adult science fair project. In the tradition of Super Size Me and Michael Moore, we investigated by doing." The passage is showing that they're going to experiment similar to the film Super Size Me and Michael Moore's documentary "style". This passage made me dismiss the majority of this book's blather, on the grounds that both Super Size Me and Michael Moore are both false and lies. I'd go into a entire discussion on why both are disgustingly bad, but I got an english project to do.

Overall my reaction to this book if it was not made obvious before, THIS IS CRAP! ABSOLUTELY BULLOCKS! For one thing, this book barely held my attention, i had to make a game of pronouncing the acronyms as if they were words~! I could make a list of books that are more informational than this garbage...and I WILL!

  • Mein Kampf-Adolf Hitler
  • The Communist Manifesto-Karl Marx
  • Going Rogue-Sarah Palin
  • Any transcript of Rick Santorums Speeches-Rick Santorum
  • The Bible-Various Authors
  • The Q'uran-Muhammed
  • The Lord of the Rings-J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Harry Potter-J.K. Rowling.

Overall I wouldn't suggest feeding this garbage to any further students. The main thing I'll remember about this book is how I shouldn't rely on hippies to give me enviromental advice.

Friday, February 24, 2012

So I'm in my english class. And Mr. is like "You'll need to read the intro, chapter one and two different chapters of 'Slow Death By Rubber Duck' and make a review of it with two other sources as well as yours". Well here we go.

One reviewer on Amazon didn't particular appreciate the message of the book. Dubbbing it as shoddy and easily refuted. "With credit to Terence Corcoran of the Toronto National Post: This book is a shoddy compilation of unproven science scares and junk science gimmicks.

Example: In all author Smith's dramatic fretting, he neglects to mention that the "alarming" volume of the chemical Bisphenol A (BPA)in his urine was actually one two-hundredth of zero-effect safe levels. Thus the test results Smith and Lourie generate prove the opposite of what they claim. "

Another on said "Wow. WOW. That booked really changed my life.". We can trust this source because we know what this persons life is like (note the sarcasm). She states the book has many reasons to be good. "What I really liked about this book was:

1. Factual information backed up by facts, investigations, scientific tests and interviews with the experts.
2. Personal touch - the authors subjected themselves to the chemical substances most of us encounter on a daily basis to see if it enters their body (yes, you guessed right - they did affect the blood in the most drastic ways!)
3. A chapter on each of the commonly used chemicals - PFOA, bisphenol A, phtalates, mercury, 2,4D, PCBs, triclosan - that get into our bodies via teflon pans, plastic baby bottles, heavily perfumed cosmetics, fish, anti pest treatments, food and even clothing....
4. Engaging style, excellent writing - easy to read (although less easy to digest and imagine the scale of the chemical sea we're all swimming in)"
She even thanked the authors at the end of her review.

Me personally, I dont appreciate the book, in the beginning it talk a bit of a enviromental law being signed, but they had to mention George Bush, did they have to take a jab at him? even though he has a more eco-friendly house than Al Gore? Also when they mention they going to be like "Super Size Me, and Michael Moore" I immediately lost all interest in the book. The reason being is that those "experiments are exceedingly biased and rigged to have a result they wanted. Overall I wouldn't read this book again.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Summary & Reaction to Chemicals

Varma, M. D. "The Hindu : Cities / Chennai : Environment Ministry to Study Impact of Mobile Tower Radiation on Birds." The Hindu : Home Page News & Features. Web. 17 Feb. 2012.
On this Indian site; I found an Indian Organization, checking to see what damage cell phone tower does to the ecosystem.  They are worried that the towers may be having a deleterious effect on avian life.
Overall I think this is another way for hippies to whine about how humans are the cause of all problems and we should stop. Well hippies you bring a valid point for being hippies, maybe if we just stop our intercontinental communication along with wireless communication around the world the birds wont have this deleterious effect, and maybe if we stop shipping goods around the world we wont have to spend all the carbon dioxide from all that fuel to get such useless materials such as food, cars, and computers.  we should stop being stupid and stop those evil corporations to stop with their filth...obviously -_-'

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Overpopulation in the enviroment.

My prime concern in these enviromental issues is over population of wildlife. Some wildlife if left to their own devices would become an infestation that eats its enviroment from the inside out. Of course I'm talking both about Animals and the most dangerous animal of all: Man.

Overall if we look at the human race and what do we do? we breed A LOT! We also harvest almost our entire enviroment (like oil), we are more likely to die from one of our own kind than from a wild animal.
Overall the other issues in this world are derived from Animal Overpopulation. Save the enviroment, don't have kids.